Ogiwara Saki, 33, is a woman who does not go with the flow of society but forges her own path. She hates flattering men and trying to be nice to people of the same sex. She has failed the bar exam ten times in a row but persists in her dream of being a lawyer while working as a clerk at a law firm. Saki's good friend, Hasumi Riko, who is a mother of two children, was high school classmates with Saki, but is in fact 35, because she had deliberately declared herself to be two years younger. She has no qualms of lying for the sake of female happiness, pretending to be married to a man of wealth and blessed with children. Because her personality is the exact opposite, this accentuates Saki's uncompromising way of life. 败犬?。有人讨厌你到死。。拥有强大的心。一个大龄女青年的奋斗记。有目标的人生,虽然辛苦,却很充实。偶尔鸵鸟一下又何妨?。人生理想是不能屈服的。她说,即使不向世界妥协,也不都那么可怕。那才是幸福的真相。合我胃口。。 荻原早纪(菅野美穗 饰),女,32岁,出身新泻,打拼东京。为了完成去世父亲的遗愿,她连续九年参加司法考试而不过。目前早纪居住在租金仅为7万日元的凶宅内,生活极尽节俭,每日坚持复习到凌晨一点,她性格愚直,充满正义感,却令周遭感到难以交流。现今她边复习边在一家律师事务所打工,一直爱慕她的师弟坂本正登(冢本高史 饰)早已取得律师资格,始终耐心等待早纪通过考试的那一天。寒来暑往,一成不变的生活骤起波澜。早纪偶然重逢高中时代的同学长部璃子(永作博美 饰),还结识了四处拈花惹草的花花公子警官蓝田光辉(谷原章介 饰),加上一心扑在教育事业上的母亲(朝加真由美 饰)突然病倒,这个一向不懂得变通的女人也开始考虑过回属于正常女孩的生活。 只是心中那份长久以来的夙愿,依旧促使着早纪朝向第十次的司法考试前进……