Naoko Yamada is a magician struggling to make ends meet who agrees to partner with Professor Ueda, who has been asked by detectives Yabe and Ishihara for help in investigating crimes committed by people claiming to have supernatural powers. While some of the cases are simple matters of exposing frauds, some are a bit more hazardous, such as taking on the leader of a murderous religious cult, or a disgraced magician who makes an entire town disappear into thin air. As Naoko gets to the bottom of these cases, she also begins to make discoveries about the strange circumstances surrounding her own father's death. 重看圈套(第一部)。圈圈套套。《圈套》情结。人生如TRICK。神通,就在我们每个人的手上。嬉笑之间的灵异推理。剧情的疑问。挺不错的日剧。美丽的“天空之城”。钢与柔的有效结合。 魔术师山田奈绪子(仲间由纪惠饰)和物理学家上田次郎(阿部宽饰)共同揭穿“超能力”的真相的故事。 本剧以2、3集为一个单元,每一单元中,两位主角都会遇到不同的自称具有超能力的人,千里眼、读心术、预见未来……这些深不可测的功力几乎让所有人都深信不疑,但是,奈绪子和上田却有办 法发现对方的真面目,不仅如此,还能将行骗的具体过程揭露出来,并从科学的角度来阐释原因。 可是有一天,奈绪子竟然接到了自己故世的父亲的电话,接着便被带到一个岛上,奉为“圣女”,难道奈绪子本人真如岛民所言,是个真正的超能力者吗?