The series is a multi-generational saga that covers a twenty-year span from 1990 to 2010, and follows one chaebol family as it arises out of the ruins of the 1990s IMF financial crisis that wreaked havoc on the Korean economy, becoming one of the top conglomerates in the nation. Three people become locked in a power struggle for control of this chaebol empire. 欲望之海全十七篇。喝茶吃饭把帐分。《黄金帝国》 :地狱王冠。就当是随堂笔记。欲望之海之恋情篇 代价。欲望的荒原 --我看《黄金帝国》。欲望之海之六 大马。综述:黑与白。黄金帝国剧评。一次又一次的感动。 《黄金的帝国》讲述的是1990年代开始的20年间韩国经济局势剧烈动荡中的财阀家族中的权力和财力竞争的故事。