Spy vs. spy. Three Yale grads, class of 1954, join their respective countries' secret service. We follow them for 40 years - through the outing of a British spy, the Hungarian revolution, the Bay of Pigs, the scent of moles, and the collapse of the USSR. Fictional characters - Yalies Jack McCauliffe, Leo Kritzky, and Yevgeny Tsipin and Jack's boss Harvey Torriti - rub shoulders with real figures like Kim Philby and James Angleton to tell stories of romance, intrigue, double-crosses, false leads, suicide, execution, and exile - in the name of ideology, patriotism, paranoia, perfidy, and one-upsmanship. Can the CIA claim any credit in the West's Cold War triumph? 中情局的“瘟神”——安格尔顿。冷战疑云。一部反映40年冷战历史的精彩间谍剧!。一点想法。帝国的影子。《合伙人》这个翻译是错误的!应该叫《公司》。We won , didn't we?。暗战。历史之于我们的意义。最高档次的『无间道』。