Around the world everyone knows that honest hard work gets you nowhere. In sunny Orlando, Florida, construction worker Dennis Nash learns this the hard way when he is evicted from his home by a charismatic, gun-toting real-estate broker, Rick Carver. Humiliated and homeless, Nash has no choice but to move his mom and nine-year old son into a shabby, dangerous motel. All is lost. Until an unexpected opportunity arises for Nash to strike a deal with the devil - he begins working for Carver in a desperate attempt to get his home back. Carver seduces Nash into a risky world of scamming and stealing from the banks and the government; he teaches Nash how the rich get richer. Living a double life, Nash hides his new boss and job from his family. He rises fast and makes real money; he dreams bigger. But there is a cost. On Carver's orders, Nash must evict honest families from their homes - just as it happened to him. Nash's conscience starts tearing him apart... but his son needs a home. In a dramatic high stakes climax, with a 1,000 home deal on the line, Nash will have to choose between destroying an honest man for the ultimate win or risking it all by going against Carver and finding redemption. 次贷危机时的美国强拆。《99个家》:畸形的金钱与颠倒的人性。作为现实镜像的扫地出门场景。良心有那么重要吗?。发了五次都不让我发出去,豆瓣你要怎么的!!。二刷完《99个家》,聊聊男主角的两次失落。《99个家》。最为佩服的是美国人民在房产购买上的豪情。《99个家》——美国不相信眼泪。 丹尼斯(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)独自一人抚养着儿子康纳(诺亚·洛马克斯 Noah Lomax 饰),父子两人和丹尼斯的母亲林恩(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰)住在一起,日子过得虽然拮据但是平静。 金融危机爆发后,丹尼斯的人生彻底的跌入了低谷。面对着他再怎样努力都无法负担的房贷,无奈的丹尼斯只得申请破产,一家人被赶出了他们的家,流落街头,生活陷入了绝望之中。为了夺回属于他们的家园,丹尼斯发誓要不择一切手段,他遇见了贪婪邪恶的房地产经纪人瑞克(迈克尔·珊农 Michael Shannon 饰),成为了他的爪牙,讽刺的是,当初,正是瑞克让丹尼斯失去了他的家园,而如今丹尼斯所要干的,无非是和瑞克一样的事情。