Based on the story by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, this magical musical fable begins as a pilot makes a forced landing on the barren Sahara Desert. He is befriended by a "little" prince from the planet Asteroid B-612. In the days that follow, the pilot learns of the small boy's history and planet-hopping journeys in which he met a King, a businessman, an historian, and a general. It isn't until he comes to Earth that the Little Prince learns the secrets of the importance of life from a Fox, a Snake, and the pilot. 最重要的东西,是眼睛看不到的。小狐狸,一个人的快乐。只是一点观后感。充满感情的一版。《小王子》。little prince。每个人心中都有一个小王子。小王子你在哪里。小王子的影评。自由还是牵绊?。 根据安托万·德·圣埃克苏佩里的故事,这个神奇的音乐寓言从一名飞行员迫降在贫瘠的撒哈拉沙漠开始。他是来自行星小行星B-612的一位“小”王子的朋友。在接下来的日子里,飞行员了解了这个小男孩的历史和他遇见一位国王、一位商人、一位历史学家和一位将军的环球旅行。直到小王子来到地球,他才从狐狸、蛇和飞行员那里了解到生命的重要性。