Dr. Rex Martin is a leading neurosurgeon specializing in the cerebral misfunctions that cause mental illnesses, whose expertise is called up by an old school chum, Jim Reston, who is now part of the mega-corporation Eunice. Reston needs Dr. Martin's help in extracting crucial data from the mind of John Halsey, once a top mathematician at Eunice, now a paranoid at the local asylum. Can Dr. Martin help both Halsey and his friend, or is he getting caught up in a corporate nightmare from which he may never escape? 盗梦空间的前身,梦境悬疑的鼻祖。好片耐人寻味。人死了,脑还活着,是什么样的世界呢?。210527:是谁让我脑死了。虽然我没有看懂……。来不及时间解释了,快看电影吧!。 马丁是一位难得的医学奇才,当优尼斯企业发现他的专业技术时,企图以优秀的条件说服马丁运用高超的脑部测试,逼出患有妄想症的医学研究员个侯希的方程式来。在多重的逼迫下马丁将侯希的种种妄想移植到自己的身上,但一切不可思议的情况就此展开……