Modern grave robbing "archeologists" find perfectly preserved specimens from the past of a man, a woman, and their child. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these are vampires immobilized only by the paper spells pasted on their foreheads. While transporting the child to a buyer, its spell blows off and the vampire child escapes and befriends some local children. Eventually, the parent vampires are also awakened and escape, but by now the local herbalist is on their trail to destroy them. 英叔式茅山道士。《僵尸家族》:看了又看。评分很低阿。失败的续集。纪念我的童年。僵尸也有家。僵尸就是僵尸并不可怜。好看。重温一次老电影。林正英。 一次偶然中,古董商人郭敦煌(钟发 饰)和其徒弟发现了一座古墓,墓中躺着三具额头上贴有符纸的僵尸,在僵尸的身上,郭敦煌发现了生财之道,却在无意之中将镇压僵尸的符纸弄掉,引得僵尸复活,他的徒弟亦因为和僵尸搏斗而身负重伤。 郭敦煌一行人找到了林医生(林正英 饰),求其救治,林医生告诉三人,僵尸十分危险,必须将其彻底消灭。然而,郭敦煌却并不愿意放弃好不容易弄到手的摇钱树,与此同时,警方亦闻风而动,情势十分混乱。男僵尸(张荣祥 饰)和女僵尸(王玉环 饰)千方百计寻找逃脱的办法,小僵尸(何建成 饰)却和人类小孩交起了朋友。