In Ambricourt, an idealistic young Priest (Claude Laydu) arrives to be the local parish priest. He attempts to live a Christ-like life, but his actions are misunderstood. The community of the small town does not accept him, and although having a serious disease in the stomach, the inexperienced and frail priest tries to help the dwellers, and has a situation with the wealthy family of the location. 《乡村牧师日记》:何谓超验风格?。It's between you and God.。進入與死亡。布列松的话//正如我要写一首诗那样。All is Grace-一个乡村牧师的日记。他们是那种要在年轻时就死去的人。关于电影。导演说。向苦难的信仰者致敬。我软弱的时候就坚强了。 一个青年牧师在日记中向上帝袒露心声。年轻的牧师(Claude Laydu 饰)初到村庄,感受到这里的寒冷和孤苦,他怀着一腔热忱,希望用自己的力量教化众生,令人们更加虔诚,但和村人接触之下他才发现,他们浅薄、功利,有的村民连妻子葬礼都不肯花钱,大多数人根本不关心自己的灵魂是否被拯救,反倒质疑他的献身精神。唯有一位伯爵夫人,因为难以纾解丧子之痛,找来牧师长谈,从而得到开解。但在村子的大环境下,他仍时时感到徒劳无功,他自己的迷茫和痛苦连上帝都解救不了。长期抑郁之下,牧师渐渐吃不下东西,最后发现自己得了胃癌,终于孤独地死去。