Animal activists invade a laboratory with the intention of releasing chimpanzees that are undergoing experimentation, infected by a virus -a virus that causes rage. The naive activists ignore the pleas of a scientist to keep the cages locked, with disastrous results. Twenty-eight days later, our protagonist, Jim, wakes up from a coma, alone, in an abandoned hospital. He begins to seek out anyone else to find London is deserted, apparently without a living soul. After finding a church, which had become inhabited by zombie like humans intent on his demise, he runs for his life. Selena and Mark rescue him from the horde and bring him up to date on the mass carnage and horror as all of London tore itself apart. This is a tale of survival and ultimately, heroics, with nice subtext about mankind's savage nature. 丧尸啊丧尸。傻啦吧唧的28days。在世界末日听摇滚。28 days later世界是什么样。在绝望中干净地活着——28 days later。去拯救世界还是去听冷笑话?。太过文艺的恐怖片。比病毒更可怕。英国的活死人。末日经典作品。 剑桥科研小组发现一种可以令传染者处于永久杀人状态的病毒,这种病毒传染速度极快,且无法抑止。动物保护组织成员不慎释放了实验室中一批携带该病毒的大猩猩后,繁华的伦敦于短短28天变成一座死城。 自行车快递员(西连•墨菲)于28天后的某一个早晨醒来时,发现自己赤身裸体躺在一家破旧的医院里,周围一片狼藉,令他怀疑是在梦中。夜晚来临时,他受到被病毒传染了的人的袭击,危急时刻幸被施莲娜(内奥米•哈里斯)和麦克(诺厄•亨特利)搭救,他也才知晓伦敦发生的一切,而这座城市没被传染的人,仅剩极小部分伦敦居民和一些驻守在曼彻斯特外的军人。当三人费劲千辛万苦找寻到拯救未来的一线希望时,才发现真正恐怖的还不是病毒。