Baby Bink couldn't ask for more; he has adoring (if somewhat sickly-sweet) parents, he lives in a huge mansion, and he's just about to appear in the social pages of the paper. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as nice as Baby Bink's parents; especially the three enterprising kidnappers who pretend to be photographers from the newspaper. Successfully kidnapping Baby Bink, they have a harder time keeping hold of the rascal, who not only keeps one step ahead of them, but seems to be more than a little bit smarter than the three bumbling criminals. 老豆's Day Out——超级离题的影评。超能豆丁论读书的重要性。小鬼。小鬼当街 故事简介。灭火的方式与《大话西游之月光宝盒》相同。学会记住美好的细节,让世界不再那么黑暗。《小鬼当街》---愿所有丢失的小孩都有一段奇遇。天才Baby。小baby照着故事书旅行。让人想抱回家的宝宝。 百万富翁卡尔维夫妇9个月大的儿子比克(亚当•罗伯特•沃顿 Adam Robert Worton 、雅各布•约瑟夫•沃顿 Jacob Joseph Worton 分饰)长得十分聪明可爱。卡维尔夫人想让她的宝贝比克成为明星宝贝,于是约了一位在当地颇有名气的摄影师为比克拍摄一辑婴儿照片,准备登上杂志封面。 这时,艾迪(乔•曼特纳 Joe Mantegna 饰)、诺比和威高三名歹徒假扮摄影师,掳走了比克。艾迪三人原想利用比克勒索卡尔维夫妇五百万美元。谁料,比克聪明过人,不但将三个贼人玩得团团转,还顺利从贼窝里逃了出来。艾迪等慌忙出外寻找比克,最后比克能否顺利回到父母身边?