Set in China in the 1930s, the film is about the unsettling relationship between three characters. Ing'er, the daughter of a theatre-owner, welcomes the return of Shao-dung, her fiancee and a fine cellist from America. Shao-dung soon finds himself captivated by the opera "Fleeing By Night" and its celebrated actor, Lin Chung, whose voice seems to articulate something within himself. While Shao-dung attempts to blend eastern and western music, Ing'er becomes torn between her affection for both men, and an awareness of the growing intimacy between them. 夜奔。其实无处可逃。林冲应该爱黄子雷。因为懂得,所以慈悲。我也很想他,我们都一样。夜奔,也是分离。她爱他,他爱他,他爱他。夜奔台词。转贴《夜奔》的台词。愛 是各自一生的獨白……。 1930年代,自幼在美国生活与学习的大提琴家徐少东(黄磊)返回祖国准备与素未蒙面但一直有书信往来的未婚妻英儿(刘若英)成亲。可是在随英儿在自家戏院看过昆曲《夜奔》并结识其主演林冲(尹昭德)后,徐少东的感情天平开始更多地倾斜到林冲身上,但随后有关他与林冲的流言蜚语传出,顶不住世俗压力的他最终告别英儿回到美国。 二战后,英儿赴美找到徐少东,二人谈起林冲为找徐少东的悲惨经历时,徐少东明白到他的内心会一直为英儿和林冲留有位置。