An impoverished blind masseur becomes a mercenary swordsman, to gain basic respect. The first of novelist Kan Shimozawa's Zatoichi series: 26 films, a TV series and a play, all but two starring controversial singer/producer/director Shintaro Katsu. First of six Zatoichi films directed by Kenji Misumi. The shrewd Zatoichi targets a yakuza-controlled village, because war with a neighboring town's smaller gang is brewing. The broke ex-masseur "Ichi" immediately wins big, by taking advantage of local bakuto's cheating, after they scoff at his asking to join a dice game. The larger horde, who have been given carte blanche by the local governor, summoned Zatoichi. Zatoichi hates the fact that he's become an outlaw, so he strikes up a friendship with the other gang's honorable hired samurai, who has TB. 刀鞘中的武士。叙事,还是叙事。乱谈座头市(一)。宿命。给五星。 盲人按摩师阿市外表平凡,却是一个技艺高超的剑客,虽然他有着这样那样的坏毛病,不过骨子里仍保有善良正直、嫉恶如仇的品行。这一日,周游全国的他来到了下总饭冈,在有过一面之缘的黑帮分子饭冈助五郎(柳永二郎 饰)处所留宿。适值此时,助五郎正与以笹川繁造(島田竜三 饰)为首的团伙对抗,双方剑拔弩张。繁造收留了一名落魄武士平手造酒(天知茂 饰),不过造酒却与同样耿直的阿市交起了朋友。不过分属两个阵营的他们,却不得不面临刀剑相向的残酷局面…… 本片根据子母沢寛随笔集《ふところ手帖》中的同名短篇故事改编,为“座头市系列”的第一部。