Episodes from the lives of a group of Tokyo slum-dwellers: Rokkuchan, an intellectually disabled boy who brings meaning and routine to his life by driving an imaginary streetcar; children who support their parents by scrounging or by tedious and ill-paying endeavours; schemers who plot or dream of escaping the shackles of poverty. 这部电影里我看到的全是疯子。一部虽败犹荣的“失败之作”。超现实主义的壳中是人道主义的悲悯[作者:kavkalu ]。待救与自救。对现实的无奈妥协:苦难背景下的原生态素描。《电车狂》随想:缤纷的残酷,不变的批判。《电车狂》——一个武士的倔强与温柔。。失败的黑泽明电影。黑泽明电影--电车狂。入目三分的刻画日本战后的现状。