13 year-old Bethany Hamilton is a champion surfer who was born to be in the water. But after a fun night out night surfing and what should be a fun day in the water, she is attacked by a shark and loses her arm. Rushed to the hospital, she remains calm, and maintains her faith in God. Now she has to re-learn how to do everything with only one arm - including how to surf. It will take her friends, family, and her Christian faith to get her back into the water, but if that is where she is meant to be, she will find a way to get there. 这片给9分,我觉得不过分。生活是简单的。中国的所谓大导演之差距。【譯】《靈魂衝浪人》:豈有此事?(作者:Roger Ebert)。爱,胜过一切。你要耐心等待,你期待已久的浪。因为一个人,喜欢上一部电影。The best inspiring movie I've ever watched---soul surfer。一部电影,一种生活。You can do ALL things。 影片只用了40天便拍摄完成,全片使用35mm的胶片摄制。 影片改编自2004年出版的传记文学《灵魂冲浪:一个关于信念、家庭和重新站上冲浪板的真实故事》。 成长在夏威夷考艾岛的贝瑟尼·汉密尔顿(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 AnnaSophia Robb 饰)是一个天生的冲浪天才,从小就展示出了在冲浪方面的过人的才华。她与好友埃兰娜(洛琳·尼科尔森 Lorraine Nicholson 饰)一起参加了全国的冲浪比赛,并且获得了不俗的成绩。但在她13岁那一年的一个早晨,在她在冲浪的时候一条14英尺长的虎鲨袭击了她,咬下了她的左臂。一瞬间,她的生活和未来都被冲垮了。就在所有人都在准备为她另谋出路的时候,她决定用自己残缺的身体重返冲浪的赛场。在好朋友汤姆、切瑞和萨拉的帮助下,她用自己惊人的毅力重新起立,站在了冲浪板和浪头之上。