Life isn't easy for a group of high school kids growing up absurd in Japan's pervasive pop/cyber culture. As they negotiate teen badlands- school bullies, parents from another planet, lurid snapshots of sex and death- these everyday rebels without a cause seek sanctuary, even salvation, through pop star savior Lily Chou-Chou, embracing her sad, dreamy songs and sharing their fears and secrets in Lilyholic chat rooms. Immersed in the speed of everyday troubles, their lives inevitably climax in a fatal collision between real and virtual identities, a final logging-off from innocence. 绝美的画面和音乐,残酷和伤感的青春。。谁是我的LILY CHOU-CHOU。关于莉莉周的一切。那段溃烂的青春。一切终究只是虚幻。看完差点吐了。那莫名忧郁的青春。我只看到,津田对莲见的情意。津田诗织。莉莉周是少年对整个世界最初和最美的愿望(N年前写的影评)。 莲见雄一(市原隼人 饰)与母亲、继父、弟弟生活在一个幽静的小城里。他跟同班同学星野修介(忍成修吾 饰)同在剑道部,两人成为好朋友。星野本来是一个品学兼优的学生,却遭到了同学的嫉妒。当暑假时一群同学自冲绳回来以后,星野变了一个人似的。接着星野开始以欺负同学为乐,而且手段残忍,雄一也不能幸免。雄一性格孤僻,喜欢歌手莉莉周,在自己建立的莉莉周论坛上他认识了一个叫“青猫”的人。雄一与青猫都过着不容易的生活,两人互相鼓励,并约定在莉莉周的演唱会上见面,“青猫”的出现令雄一十分惊讶。