In Louisiana, while driving on the State Route 53, Emily has a car accident. Her boyfriend Bobby and their friends Clare, Dmitriy and Jude find that she had hit a stranger. When they see an ambulance on the road, they ask for help and the attendants bring them to the Mercy Hospital. The nurse Marian asks Bobby to go to the exam room. When Emily tries to get information about her boyfriend, she meets Dr. David Benway that tells her the Bobby is all right. But sooner Emily unravels a dark city about Dr. Benway and his team. 娱乐为主,评价为辅。放了许多个屁。够血腥的。莫杀生。如果你进了黑心医院。除了血腥没什么看头,这血腥也不真实。结局不给力。小成本的电影,还算不错啦。几个月前看的,现在写写感受吧。烂。 一个年轻的女孩试图在畸形并且危险的医院找到她受伤的男友……