Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent and highly respected by all, including her boss, Ted Winter. Out of the blue, a Russian spy walks into their offices and offers a vital piece of information: the President of Russia will be assassinated during his forthcoming visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the recently deceased U.S. Vice President. The name of the assassin: Evelyn Salt. Concerned about the safety of her husband, who she cannot contact, she goes on the run. Winter refuses to accept that she is a mole or a double agent but her actions begin to raise doubts. Just who is Evelyn Salt and what is she planning? <特工绍特> 我们可从中学到如何当优秀特工的专业知识。背叛“生父” 背叛“养父”这个丑陋的世界要把人都逼疯了才安逸,还好~我们心中还有信仰,还有爱,还有人为了心中的爱、正义和真理,在做顽强的斗争!。谁也打不过朱莉。【看不懂是编剧的胜利】——跑题兼剧透还忒长,慎入!。名叫邵特的女特工系列电影诞生。他们拿走了我的一切。双面间谍。被触底线的Salt。《Salt》,吃多了盐的劳拉会不会更猛?肤浅的非专业心理学看点。。大家都没留意最后一段的悬念吗?。 结婚纪念日当天,CIA特工伊芙琳·绍特(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 饰)受命审讯一名投案自首的俄罗斯间谍。对方声称自80年代便潜入美国,并且透露有一名间谍大师曾训练数名儿童,将他们培养成间谍送入普通的美国家庭中,伺机刺杀美国总统。令在场所有特工震惊的是,这个俄国人竟指认绍特是这群孩子中的一员。 不顾CIA探员们的阻拦,绍特执意返回家中。经过一番惊险追逐,她暂时逃过昔日同伴的追捕。不久,俄罗斯总统访问美国,绍特再次卷入各种阴谋之中,而她的真实身份也变得愈加扑朔迷离……