A bomb-sniffing beagle is fired from the mayor's office for a faux pas. That night a mad scientist dognaps him and injects him with an elixir. The dog escapes, but now has superpowers. He's adopted by a security guard - an ex-cop, who's a widower with a moody teen son, Jack. The boy discovers that the dog, named Shoeshine by dad, has super powers, but it's their little secret. While Underdog saves people in distress, the mad scientist and his underling continue their plot to catch him and take over the city. There's also a girl Jack likes who has a dog that Shoeshine takes a shine to. Will every dog have his day? 每个人心中都有一只落水狗。Underdog 美国式英雄梦。狗狗们如果能看懂,会给什么评价?。小孩的超人狗。Shoeshine OR underdog。像你学习。战士。超狗拯救世界。给个QuickView。可爱的Shoe shine。。。。 超人狗最初是一条在警队服役的普通小猎犬,因为执行任务时的一次严重失误,被革职。流落街头的小猎犬被捉到一个动物研究所,邪恶的西蒙(彼德•定克拉吉 饰)博士在那里对流浪狗进行试验,希望能创造出一条超人狗。 小猎犬大闹实验室,阴差阳错成了超人狗,并逃了出去。研究所的一个保安在下班的时候遇见超人狗,并把它带回家,希望借此改善和儿子的关系。 在家里,超人狗发现自己不但力量强大、速度惊人,而且还能说话和飞翔。在保安之子的鼓励下,超人狗决定用自己的力量服务社会,与此同时,邪恶的西蒙博士则在琢磨怎么夺回超人狗,还计划着一个阴险的阴谋……