"Force of Execution" is the story about a crime lord torn between his legacy and his desire to get out of the life of crime that has built his empire, when a new player to the scene tries to use the town anti-hero's network to climb to power. The only friend the crime lord has is his assassin protégé who has troubles of his own. An epic battle of under bosses and crime lords. Only one will come out alive. 作为烂片中的战斗机。文戲很暴力。 孔武有力、身怀绝技的罗曼·赫斯特(布莱恩·福斯特 Bren Foster 饰)是游走黑道的大哥亚历山大(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰)麾下一员猛将。亚历山大专门接手他人的委托,以残忍的暴力手段解决掉委托人意欲除去的叛徒和对手。谁知在一次危险行动中,他遭人误导杀错目标,因此遭到残酷惩罚,被踢出局。手已残废的自暴自弃,寄居在某个小餐馆苟延残喘。 一年后,亚历山大与冰人(文·瑞姆斯 Ving Rhames 饰)率领的黑人帮派60党合伙,冰人嚣张跋扈,恣意扩张,引发连番激烈火拼,更威胁到亚历山大的生意。在亚历山大的召唤下,一腔愤懑的赫斯特重返黑道沙场……