The film is divided into six segments. (1) "Pasternak": While being on a plane, a model and a music critic realise they have a common acquaintance called Pasternak. Soon they discover that every passenger and crew member on board know Pasternak. Is this coincidence? (2) "The Rats": A waitress recognizes her client - it's the loan shark who caused a tragedy in her family. The cook suggests mixing rat poison with his food, but the waitress refuses. The stubborn cook, however, decides to proceed with her plan. (3) "The Strongest": Two drivers on a lone highway have an argument with tragic consequences. (4) "Little Bomb": A demolition engineer has his car towed by a truck for parking in a wrong place and he has an argument with the employee of the towing company. This event destroys his private and professional life, and he plots revenge against the corrupt towing company and the city hall. (5) "The Proposal": A reckless son of a wealthy family has an overnight hit-and-run accident, in which a pregnant woman gets killed. He wakes his parents up and his father calls the lawyer. The parents propose to pay the groundkeeper to take the blame for the boy. Soon the father discovers that he is a victim of extortion of his lawyer and the detective in charge of the investigation. What will be his decision? (6) "Until Death Do Us Apart": During the wedding party, the bride discovers that her newlywed husband has been cheating on her with one of the guests, and she decides to pay him back. 关于失控,直白的不忍直视。蛮荒故事 人人有辜。扼住荒诞的咽喉。善恶若悬崖,道德止蛮荒。欢迎来到阿根廷。不定向丧心病狂。相爱的底线设计(第六个荒蛮故事:直到死亡将我们分开)。有深度的撕逼大战合集。【细节控】关于凶器的细节非常有趣。 《荒蛮故事》是一部黑色喜剧,由6个独立的暴力复仇小故事构成。影片是一次对于人类失控行径的颠覆性创作,从怪异的幽默感,独特的画面和大胆的配乐,到对于身处绝境的普通人这一题材的偏爱,都可以清晰地看到南美鬼才导演达米安·斯兹弗隆与阿莫多瓦在创作方面的相似之处。不过,斯兹弗隆仍然通过这部影片发出了自己独特的声音:一场对于一个腐败成风、经济和社会严重不平等的社会的尖锐抨击。