The Pillars of the Earth is set against a backdrop of war, religious strife and power struggles which tears lives and families apart. In that time, there rises a magnificent Cathedral in Kingsbridge. Against the backdrop, love-stories entwine: Tom, the master builder, Aliena, the noblewoman, the sadistic Lord William, Philip, the prior of Kingsbridge, Jack, the artist in stone work and Ellen, the woman from the forest who casts a curse. At once, this is a sensuous and enduring love story and an epic that shines with the fierce spirit of a passionate age. Follett masterfully weaves these stories through political turmoil of 12th century England, creating a relevant and viable world for today's audience and for generations to come. 《圣殿春秋》与中世纪建筑革命。说说剧里的人物及其他。《圣殿春秋》TV观后的摔桌感想。Kingsbridge Cathedral不是真的...。百度了一下。历史、原著、剧集时间线比较(每集更新,少量剧透,截至第一集)。诺曼王朝历史背景与“王桥大教堂”建筑笔记。读完书发现几年前被拍成剧集了是什么感受?。上帝也偏爱能工巧匠。狗血叙事不吐不快。 StarZ八集史诗迷你剧 The Pillars of the Earth 圣殿春秋 故事以英国作家肯.弗雷特Ken Follett于1989年出版的同名小说为蓝本,讲述1120年英国皇太子William Adelin坐船于英伦海峡English Channel沉没,英王绝嗣后的政治动荡时代,一个石匠家庭及其身边人发生的事 位于英国南部城镇Kingsbridge的修道院,院长Phillip矢志兴建一座大教堂。为了这崇高理想,Phillip纠集各地工匠,为筹建大教堂而奔走。其间大教堂的兴建工作多有波折,主人公男主角杰克Jack Jackson最后继承后父志向,担负起大教堂的兴建工作,建成当时英国最为瑰丽的大教堂