Tad is a celebrity archeologist and adventurer just like his hero Max Mordon... in his dreams! In reality, Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One day, however, he is mistaken for a real Professor and takes his place on a flight to Peru in search of the Lost City of Paititi. Professor Lavrof and his beautiful daughter Sara are waiting for the famous professor to crack the code. Unfortunately for Tad, Sara is engaged to real-life hero Max Mordon, but Max has secretly betrayed the Professor by teaming up with the evil Kopponen and his shady Odysseus corporation. Time for Tad to step up. 西班牙动画片?。影评。相关影讯。混搭的可人剧。情节漏洞百出,人物表情生硬。不错的3D动画片,适合单身的你和热恋的你们,推荐。。在重口味大片夹击下的小清新~~。很萌很欢乐。又见大冒险——带上萌宠让我们一起上路吧。超级搞笑的愤怒的小鸟。 泰德(凯瑞·莎勒 Kerry Shale 配音)是一名芝加哥的普通建筑工人,但却从小怀揣着成为一名考古学家的梦想,因此常常在工作中神游万里而被频频解雇。就在第七次被解雇之后,泰德去看望他的考古学朋友亨伯特教授,然而此时教授刚刚受邀去印加古城探索一个重要发现,却恰巧因生病不能前往。阴差阳错之下,泰德被当成亨伯特教授远赴秘鲁,与年轻火辣的考古学工作者萨拉(菲奥娜·格拉斯科特 Fiona Glascott 配音)一道,在壮美神秘的热带沙漠和丛林里,携手寻找传说中的印加黄金城。一路上和秘鲁导游弗雷迪、小土狗杰夫、鹦鹉贝尔佐尼甚至一只守卫黄金城的神秘木乃伊一起,开启了一段离奇刺激的探险之旅…… 该片主角泰德的人物形象主要基于《夺宝奇兵》印第安纳·琼斯的故事。