In central China, a Master coach recruits poor rural teenagers and turns them into Western-style boxing champions. Through hard work and discipline, these boys and girls come of age, trained in the art of boxing and the game of life. They are filled with Olympic dreams, hoping to become China's next amateur heroes. But the pull of professionalism also weighs upon their shoulders. Their coach hopes to show them the way. The top student boxers face dramatic choices as they graduate - should they fight for the collective good as amateurs or for themselves and their own personal gain as professionals? It's a metaphor for the choices that everyone faces now, in the New China. 和一个真男人的对话。激战人生何惧败。没有金腰带的结局。大坝上的奔跑。虚无即意义。《千锤百炼》:我是风中落叶,看我如何飞翔。note。凉山格斗孤儿的死与生。败者的凯歌。收不回的拳。 本片讲述了四川会理一个拳击教练和他的两个年轻徒弟的故事。齐漠祥是中国最早的职业拳击手,退役后一直在会理挑选适合拳击运动的孩子。拳击是他的信仰,为了拳击,他并不在意艰苦的条件和独身的生活。在他的精心调教下,门生何宗礼和缪云飞获得了一系列成绩,被选入省队,准备国家级比赛。齐漠祥虽然离开职业拳坛很久了,但他依然怀揣梦想,希望重新参加职业比赛,夺取金腰带称号。年近四十,齐漠祥开始努力恢复训练,准备参加在会理举办的WBC拳王争霸赛……