A fun and energetic family basketball movie starring Kevin Durant AS HIMSELF, a basketball star who switches talent with a klutzy 16 year old fan. When Brian, a hopelessly uncoordinated young fan magically switches talents with his hero, Kevin Durant, he becomes the star of his high school team...while Kevin Durant suddenly can't make a shot to save his life. But with the playoffs approaching, Brian learns that being a true winner involves working hard at your own game, and he tries to make things right in time to prevent a catastrophic end to his hero's season. 重要的东西。KD 喜剧 美国 诚信。幸福并非来自杜兰特的才能,而是来自失去已久的体验纯粹快乐的能力。6月影评2-雷霆万钧。魔幻篮球的美好世界。才能不是拿来的,而是长期刻苦训练得来的。 本片是由篮球明星凯文·杜兰特亲自主演,影片讲述篮球巨星凯文·杜兰特和一个16岁的小球迷布莱恩(Taylor Gray 饰)交换了天赋。当布莱恩从一个肢体不协调的年轻球迷变成他崇拜的篮球英雄凯文·杜兰特时,他的生活也随之改变。布莱恩一跃成为高中校队的明星,而凯文·杜兰特却失去了打篮球的技能,甚至连一记篮球也投不进去。这时季后赛即将来临,他们两人会怎样面对这一切呢?