Fleeing from the Russian secret police because of his controversial past, a young Estonian fencer named Endel is forced to return to his homeland, where he begins to train a group of young children in the art of fencing. The past however catches up with him and Endel has to choose between letting his students down or putting his life in danger. The movie is partially based on the real life story of an Estonian fencer Endel Nelis (1925-1993). 陪伴。荣誉与爱。愿你成为最坚韧的藤。剑 客。评芬兰电影《击剑手》,兼论时代精神。击剑手。把银幕当画布的击剑手。荣誉与爱。全片窍要。 影片的主人公是一名爱沙尼亚的击剑运动员。他为了逃避俄罗斯秘密警察的追捕,回到了家乡爱沙尼亚。在那儿他成了一名学校里的击剑老师。然而过去的阴影却不肯放过他,最终让他面临艰难的抉择。