In postwar Hong Kong, legendary Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man is reluctantly called into action once more, when what begin as simple challenges from rival kung fu styles soon draw him into the dark and dangerous underworld of the Triads. Now, to defend life and honor, he has no choice but to fight one last time ... 秋生哥的宗师气质——《叶问:终极一战》。更喜欢甄子丹版。武林高手,也需要一日三餐.........。显而易见这部是最好看的叶问。一点温暖,便已足够。廉颇老矣,尚能饭否?-------比较一下甄子丹与黄秋生各自演绎的叶问。抛开咏春看叶问。很平实。一流的叶问,一般的剧本。最喜欢的叶问。