A snapshot of young love in the 1970s: two school friends, growing up in Beijing, both with different backgrounds and different families. As time progresses their relationship grows and so too do their families. Separated, they lose touch, only to rekindle the romance in New York City, but now having to face the fact that they both have established lives and established loves. Nicholas Tse and Gao Yuanyuan star in this intimate and moving portrayal of two people falling in love again after being separated by time and distance and deciding whether their present love or a future love will triumph. 你是绿茶,就不要试图漂成白莲花 (剧透慎入)。高圆圆和谢霆锋真是史上最违和的情侣。高圆圆一秒变low圆圆。此片全部剧情 (看过此篇影评相当于看过整部电影,只想让大家不要把钱浪费给这样一部囧片,也算是为了中国电影事业做出一份贡献)。只能看脸。爱的时候,好好爱。只要爱过,就是一生一世。带着父母进电影院看这电影简直就是不孝。这电影不是还行吗?有烂成这样吗。爱情的桥段。 故事发生在二十世纪七十年代,赵永远(谢霆锋 饰)和安然(高圆圆 饰)像两朵被风雨吹打的浮萍,相似的身世和不容乐观的境遇将两人紧紧拴在了一起,随着时间的推移,两人之间产生了真挚而又纯洁的友情。 一晃眼十几年过去,历史车轮裹挟着赵永远和安然不断前进,原本天各一方的两人再度相遇,彼时的安然已经出落成为了亭亭玉立的美丽少女,儿时的友情转变成为了炙热的爱情,安然和赵永远都坚信,世间没有什么能再次将他们分开,然而,现实却恰恰相反。浩淼天地之间,他们的感情能够始终如一吗?茫茫人海之中,命运又是否会安排他们再度聚首呢?