Surprise follows the day-to-day misadventures of a character called Dachui Wang as he navigates though various modern and classic situations. The little monster Wang Dachui, who was born with sharp ears & simple magic, made him different from the ordinaries. The local monster king, he thought he was. But to his surprise, on the one hand, his fate has changed since the encounter with Tang Monk, Monkey King, Piggy & Sand Monk. On the other hand, the meeting with Wang Dachui also should have been the great 82nd disaster to the four. 侮辱人也请注意分寸。锤锤,人家对你粉转路人了。抄了那么多段子,却依然讲不好一个故事。。片子的狗血与叫兽的自我感动。熟悉的人和更熟悉的圈钱方式。不求精,能博一笑便可。只图一乐的话,这就够了。过了及格线的喜剧电影。万万没想到我还是看了这部电影。万万没想到里的11个万万没想到。 屌丝小妖王大锤(白客 饰),他生来便与常人不同,两耳尖尖,又有些小法力,总是自诩本地妖王。但让他万万没想到的是,在遇到唐僧师徒四人组后,他的命运发生了逆转;而对于唐僧师徒四人组来说,遇见王大锤也是无比郁闷的第八十二难。双方因此上演了一出相爱相杀,令人捧腹的奇幻冒险。