In the near future or an alternate reality, there are memory detectives, people who have the ability to enter other peoples' electronically aided memories. They often are used to resolve psychological conflicts, and sometimes to exonerate someone from a crime. John was at one time the top in this field but he has been recovering from the death of his wife, and a stroke. To get back into work the head of the small firm he works for offers him what is supposed to be a simple job, getting 16 year old Anna to start eating again. However, the "simple job" turns into his most challenging. 高智商弑母少女陷害恋妻记忆大叔回忆录——《思维空间》影评解析。看了第二遍之后我觉得女主并不是天生反社会,而是确实受过童年性侵经历。枯萎与盛开的玫瑰。对这部电影的一些解析。女性高智商犯罪电影。细思极恐的电影。大家有没有想过为什么女主要把茱莉亚说成是毛斯?。多少人了解反社会型人格?。个人的一点浅见。思维空间和催眠大师的异同。 约翰有能看到别人记忆的特殊能力,他的新案子调查对象是个聪颖却有精神问题的十六岁少女安娜。约翰必须解开谜团:安娜究竟是反社会还是神秘精神创伤的受害人……