A fictional film set in the alluring world of one of the most stunning scandals to rock our nation, American Hustle tells the story of brilliant con man Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale), who along with his equally cunning and seductive British partner Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) is forced to work for a wild FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper). DiMaso pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia that's as dangerous as it is enchanting. Jeremy Renner is Carmine Polito, the passionate, volatile, New Jersey political operator caught between the con-artists and Feds. Irving's unpredictable wife Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence) could be the one to pull the thread that brings the entire world crashing down. 英式英语在美国到底有多好用?。美国骗局 细思恐极。《美国骗局》:博人一笑不能多想的类型片。这是一部讲述爱情与谎言的商业片。要骗就彻底点!。一场无关骗局本身的年代秀。看这个片儿真的是见仁见智。花絮。挣扎在虚假中的男人和女人们。《美国骗局》——浅笑即止。 一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感美艳的脱衣舞女西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰),趣味相投的两人一见钟情,很快就打得火热。没想到,埃文是一个职业骗子,在他的鼓动和“爱情的力量”影响之下,西德尼毅然入伙,两人联手合作,将“事业”经营的有声有色。 然而,常在河边走哪有不湿鞋,警方早已经盯上了行事作风颇为高调的埃文和西德尼,终于,在一次精密筹划的行动中将两人捉拿归案。经不住FBI探员里奇(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)的游说和诱惑,埃文和西德尼决定与其合作,“戴罪立功”。尽管拾起了“老本行”,但这次一次,埃文和西德尼显然站在了正义的那一方,因为他们的对手是那些贪赃枉法的腐败官员。