Hyunjun and Sawoo, close friends and rivals from the South Korean special forces, are recruited by the secret agency NSS. They both fall for Seunghee, the beautiful but lethal profiling specialist at NSS. When they are faced against each other in a nuclear terrorist attack, they are forced to make their final decision and Seunghee's formidable secret is revealed. 劝您别看了,蓝色生死恋+007,2B中的战斗机。请别把您的狗血溅在我身上。错乱牌压缩饼干。小感想。假、假、假。IRIS,本身就是一个阴谋。剧情简单。狗血的电影版。很好看,有几个地方没看懂,望解答。IRIS,本身就是一个阴谋。 以国家安全局(NSS)为舞台,讲述国家安全局要员与犯罪组织进行周旋、斗争的故事。故事中金贤俊(李秉宪饰)与陈思宇(郑俊浩饰)同属NSS机密要员,二人同时爱上了上司崔胜熙(金泰熙饰)。一天,贤俊与思宇被委派到执行一项秘密任务,竟发现韩国正在受到核武的威胁中。在这一触即发的情况下。两人不单要决择,如何挽救整个亚洲的核爆危机,并发现胜熙竟是……