A mysterious explosion occurs at the Balam Bridge in Seoul on November 20th, 1994. In front of hot-blooded local news reporter Lee Bang-Woo, Yoon Hyeok appears. Yoon Hyeok is from the same hometown as Lee Bang-Woo, but they haven't seen each other in a long time. Yoon Hyeok hands over documents to Lee Bang-Woo and hints that the case of the Balam Bridge was fabricated. In order to uncover the truth behind the case, Lee Bang-Woo teams up with fellow reporters Son Jin-gi and Seong Hyo-gwan. While they dig further for the truth, they come within the cross hairs of men intent on covering up the case. Their office is broken into and they are threatened. Meanwhile, Yoon Hyeok holds the key to case ... 勇敢的人多不被了解,多不被同情,他们大多孤身奋战,势单力薄。结局的猜想。《白鲸》:神鱼见首不见尾的政治阴谋。特别喜欢这片子的音效。罕见的我给出了五星 来说说我对这部片的理解!。习惯了也就从了。个人对整个阴谋的理解..。日。 《白鲸》由Show Box投拍,围绕突发性事件的发生,讲述了一群想要挖掘事件真相的记者和努力掩盖事实真相的人之间展开的心理拉锯战,是一部十分具有社会现实性意义的动作推理片。