The story goes around the three friends who start a business, also providing coaching classes and tuition. Omi asks for help with his uncle, who is also a political leader, to start this business. Govind provides tuition classes to some children and Ishaan gives cricket coaching. They come to meet a boy, Ali who is gifted with hyper-reflex. Ishaan then starts special coaching for the boy so that the country gets a new star player. But unexpected things happen suddenly and the story takes a turn. Kai Po Che! - 9/10。当时光倒流。论政治环境因素与情感论述的平行走向。不得不爱的三个人----观断线人生。印度导演略屌。《断线人生》:印度合伙人。我看到的体育精神。the story hidden behind。三个弟兄。不知所云的大杂烩。