After the loss of both parents, 11 years old Oat faces an uncertain future when his older brother must submit to Thailand's annual military draft lottery. Unable to convince his brother to do whatever he can to change his fate, Oat takes matters into his own hands resulting in unexpected consequences. Based on the stories from the bestselling book Sightseeing by Rattawut Lapcharoensap, the film is set in the economic fringes of Bangkok and examines the joys and challenges of growing up in contemporary Thailand. HOW TO WIN AT CHECKERS (EVERY TIME) is director Josh Kim's debut feature film. 再不会有人爱我如你。《戀戀棋盤》:走向世界的非單一主題的同志電影。青春,犹如那一闪而过高悬的路灯。。不择手段去赢。哥哥很棒!。同性之间的爱。如果有群人在游戏中稳赢,那一定是社会背后的不公平。坑哥小能手的花样作死大赛,轻微剧透不喜误入。 一部关于爱与罪的生存故事;深刻描绘泰国底层人民生活样貌的佳作。相依为命的兄弟随着哥哥伊科将服兵役,年幼的奥特面临着沦为孤儿的命运。伊科试着去改变未来,跑去咖啡厅打工筹买通财,却因此捲入一连串勒索的谎言中。奥特逐渐了解,就如同他喜爱的西洋棋局般,生命中看似公平却有不公平的本质。