Rene is not a bright guy. He was taught to kill by the Resistance. But the WW2 is over and he keeps on killing. He is condemned to death. In jail, expecting the presidential pardon, he mets other condemned men. An anti-capital punishment drama, written and directed by a former lawyer. 死刑。 本片有强烈的反死刑主题,讲述一个头脑不太灵光、对是非善恶没有观念的小混混在二战中“英勇杀敌”,受到表彰;后来因为在被追捕中杀死一名警察,被判死刑。在狱中与他同时被判死刑的另外两人也有同样的有口难辩的苦衷。他们一起等待着死亡的到来,一同感受恐惧和焦虑的重重煎熬。