Jefferson Pierce in the hands of the ASA with his wife Lynn as Agent Odell tightens his grip on the Pierce family, leaving Jennifer abandoned and Freeland without Black Lightning and Thunder. But Anissa secretly defies Odell in her alter ego as Blackbird with the able tactical and technical support of Gambi. CW台一口气宣布续订旗下10部美剧,刚刚庆祝播出300集的《邪恶力量》续订第15季,收视稳定的超级英雄系列剧集《绿箭侠》(第八季)、《黑霹雳》(第三季)、《明日传奇》(第五季)、《闪电侠》(第六季)、《女超人》(第五季)毫无悬念获得了新一季的续订。