The movie inspired by real events tells the story of the KV-1 tank's crew heroic deed. Having a losing fight, the crew of Semyon Konovalov destroyed 16 enemy tanks, 2 armored vehicles and 8 vehicles with enemy personnel near Nizhnemityakin farm in Tarasovskoye district of Rostov region. This is the story of not the poster heroes, but broken, cheerful, and very diverse guys who just wanted to live. At the decisive moment they managed to do the only right thing and performed the deed worthy of the legend. 新时代的真实的抗德神剧。总有些事情像神话故事一样。坦克战。 本片基于真实历史事件改编,讲述了第二次世界大战苏德战争期间KB-1坦克车组立下罕有卓越战功的故事。如果没有战争,谢缅·科诺瓦洛夫也许一辈子只是一名默默无名的基层军官,等着退役然后回到家乡平静生活。但在这场空前的大战中,他指挥的KB-1坦克车组在敌强我弱的悬殊对比下,消灭德军16辆坦克,2 辆装甲车和8辆汽车,创造了战争史上以少胜多的又一奇迹。这个故事并非只是英雄的宣传画,更描绘了一群快乐、满身伤痕且性格迥异的年轻人在残酷战争中鲜活的形象。