Takamori Azu discovers that her husband whom she trusts more than anyone else, is having an affair. Her peaceful everyday life suddenly transforms into days of endless worry. After an internal struggle, she decides to trust in him again. Her husband also rediscovers his love for her and the two of them are about to get back together again. However, each time they try to do that, they would be faced with all sorts of difficulties caused by her husband's mistress. 仲里依纱配坛蜜,冢本高史成渣男,这剧凭颜值能打五星!。只是短评字写不下了。。又双叒叕出轨了Σ(⊙▽⊙"。娶妻娶贤,古人诚不欺我。 经营着一家美甲沙龙的高森杏寿(仲里依纱饰),与心爱的丈夫·纯平(冢本高史饰)、女儿·七香(涩谷南那饰),是一个寻常且幸福的三口之家。虽然丈夫纯平因为调职,单身去往了地方,一家三口能共同度过的时光也仅剩下了周末,但家人间满满的温情却未因此发生改变,这如同画中描绘的幸福,有一天会分崩离析?这是杏寿连做梦都不曾梦见过的事情,然而......以为平常且幸福的日子会永远延续,谁曾向现实却将自己突然推向地狱。这也许就是你自己的故事。