Governor George W. Bush of Texas picks Dick Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton Co, to be his Republican running mate in the 2000 presidential election. No stranger to politics, Cheney's impressive resume includes stints as White House chief of staff, House Minority Whip and defense secretary. When Bush wins by a narrow margin, Cheney begins to use his newfound power to help reshape the country and the world. 为副不仁的副总统,真的“只手遮天”吗?。左得有盐有味。访谈:亚当·麦凯【译】。完全一边倒、东拼西凑、半虚构的政治宣传片。这个演员,终于不再玩命增肥减肥了。权力就是春药。灵性丢失的流水线版《大空头》。逼近“真实”的切尼。不错的历史“伪纪录片”。为副不仁,以美国为刍狗。