In this third installment of the adrenaline-fueled action franchise, skilled assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) returns with a $14 million price tag on his head and an army of bounty-hunting killers on his trail. After killing a member of the shadowy international assassin's guild, the High Table, John Wick is excommunicado, but the world's most ruthless hit men and women await his every turn. 为了一只狗John Wick干掉了多少人?三部曲击杀数一览。《John Wick》里的一些世界观。大侠有时也用枪。回顾一下过去三部···。为什么john wick会如此迷人。按我的记忆谈谈电影里面几场打戏(完全剧透)还有剧情。知识就是力量。四个我喜欢John Wick的理由。【C+影评】疾速追杀3:还我狗命之无限战争。爱狗协会主席基努里维斯翻身做主人!拳拳到肉枪枪暴血。 约翰·威克经历了前两次的追杀、特攻之后,由于执意破坏酒店规矩,因而遭到悬赏通缉,全球杀手闻风而至、一路追杀。这次他又将如何杀出重围,终结这场逃亡之旅。