Follows four friends in their quest to form a punk band. As workers protests sweep across the country, Janek and Staszek, the sons of a navy man, the rebellious Kazik, and the affluent Diabel gel as a band, but their disparate lives are touched by social turmoil and outside perceptions. 那一年夏天,他就成长了。这片让我更加厌恶姜文的那种冷嘲热讽。 八十年代共产铁幕下的波兰,社会上冲突不断,军官之子则整日与好友厮混,不是玩玩庞克乐团、便是偷窥邻居少妇的美好曲线,恣意享受青春的无限欢愉。直到政府宣布戒严,军人荷枪实弹占据了街头,也将少年无忧无虑的生命逐渐撕裂成碎片。成长叛逆、庞克怒吼、青涩初恋与动荡年代相互叠合,耀眼且惆怅得一如《那年阳光灿烂》。 影片曾获得2010波兰影展观众票选奖,并代表波兰角逐奥斯卡外语片提名。