Joe This richly symbolic film is really impossible to understand without some knowledge of 20th Century Italian history, and particularly the power of the Roman Catholic Church. The Lateran Treaty of 1929 finally politically separated Italy from Church power by creating the Vatican as a sovereign state. But the trade off was the that the Church was still left in power over many aspects of everyday Italian life. For instance, Italy finally established a civilian divorce law through a bitterly contested 1970 referendum. Before then, divorce was under strictly in the domain of Church law, and the Church NEVER granted a divorce, even in extreme cases like when a spouse was abandoned many years hence. Overall, however, the power of the Church still resided in the blind allegiance of Italians at all levels to Church morality. Over decades, this led to impeding Italy's social and political progress, and greatly maintained the status quo in the division between the privileged upper class & the downtrodden masses. The Leftist & Communist movements that began after WWII battled against this status quo, and indirectly against the Church through Progressive agendas. ALL This doesn't even amount to an adequate thumbnail of all the issues that this film touched upon. Pasolini really needed to couch this head-on criticism of contemporary Italian society in a comedy, because I suspect that at some level he would have feared for his life had he delivered a more serious work covering the same controversial topics. 说教的无用。导演说。月亮,或新现实主义 | 评《大鸟与小鸟》。喀秋莎在荒地上响起 | 评《大鸟和小鸟》。《大鸟和小鸟》:如何吃掉一只理想国的乌鸦。人类将去往何处。只为那些理想而哭泣。帕哥的知识分子命题?。走向那里?。电影不能太随心所欲。