Jim Stark is the new kid in town. He has been in trouble elsewhere; that's why his family has had to move before. Here he hopes to find the love he doesn't get from his middle-class family. Though he finds some of this in his relation with Judy, and a form of it in both Plato's adulation and Ray's real concern for him, Jim must still prove himself to his peers in switchblade knife fights and "chickie" games in which cars race toward a seaside cliff. 活得太快,死得太早。为什么要反叛。电影中的三人行|一个找到了友谊、一个找到了恋人、一个找到了爹。从来没有无因的叛逆。《无因的反抗》电影剧本。《无因的反叛》:青春片的顶级经典之作。闪烁在遥远天际一颗孤独的明星——詹姆斯.迪恩。无因胜有因。盲目崇尚男权的暴力,代表青春的迷惘吗?。导演说。 Jim(詹姆斯·迪恩 James Dean 饰)因为在学校里无法与其他同学共融,迫使他的父母只能多次搬家,这一次他们来到了洛杉矶。在洛杉矶的一所高中里,他仍旧遭到了同学的排斥,但认识了他心爱的女生Judy(娜塔利·伍德 Natalie Wood 饰);交到了他真正的朋友 Plato(萨尔·米涅奥 Sal Mineo 饰)。在Jim和当地小混混头目、也是Judy的前男友Buzz一系列的纠纷中,两人最终决定以赛车来定胜负。而在比赛中,Buzz不幸坠入悬崖身亡。Buzz的兄弟们试图找Jim报仇,在两方的对抗中,Plato被警察意外枪杀,使这部影片留下了一个悲剧性的结尾。而Jim和Judy的命运又将何去何从?