Aoishi Hanae is a plain, inconspicuous office lady who has had no experience in love and no boyfriend. On her 30th birthday, she happens to end up drinking with Tanokura Yuto, a cool university student nine years her junior who is also a part-timer at her company, on the way home from a welcome party for new employees. Hanae gets drunk. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds a naked Yuto sleeping next to her. She has her first experience and first boyfriend out of the blue. Even when Hanae and Yuto go on to date, it is a daily process of trial and error because everything is a first for Hanae, including an amusement park date, a sleepover, Christmas Eve or a couple's trip. To complicate matters, she also gets a proposal from Asao Yu, the CEO of an Italian food company who is popular with women, and a love triangle develops. 大家加油,我自便。F杯的大奶妹总会有春天。献给30+女青年的脑补神剧:霸道总裁大战小鲜肉。要不要来块小鲜肉?。30岁的救赎童话。日剧中的“不完美女性”。终结单身的秘密。——傲慢者们。分明是玛丽苏白日梦,偏偏那点酸甜回味在心尖盘旋。就是为了粉红泡泡看剧,不是吗?。 相貌平平、不善交际的青石花笑(绫濑遥 饰)是帝江物产横滨分公司的一名普通OL,现年30岁的她至今仍保存着处子之身,而且也从没有过恋爱的经验。大好年华已过,花笑和呵护关爱她的父母相依为命,独自散心解闷,纵然唏嘘着爱情的渺茫,却似乎也习惯了这份清幽的落寞。谁知一切在30岁生 日那晚发生转变,她和在公司内兼职并比自己小9岁的大学生田之仓悠斗把酒言欢,同床共枕。一向谨慎刻苦的花笑首度旷工,不知该那这份情感怎么办。与此同时,同一栋写字楼里的某公司CEO朝尾侑(玉木宏 饰)好像也对这个颇有些特别的女孩产生了兴趣。壁花小姐的桃花期,在毫无征兆的情况下意外展开了…… 本片根据藤村真理的同名漫画改编。