Tom and Josh Sterling have a start-up dot-com. It's gone public to initial success. Josh is the technical genius. Tom is the fast-talking and abrasive CEO, in charge of the business side. It's August, 2001, less than a month before they can sell their shares and, perhaps, make lots of money. But the company is running out of cash, its main client is stalling, and share values are falling. For Tom to maintain the firm's appearance, he must find cash: investors could rescue him, but at a high cost of his potential wealth and company control. Tom goes to his brother for a loan. At the same time, an old flame, Sarrah, comes back to the city. Can Tom hold things together, bravura and all? Ego害死人。最虚无的也是最真实的。钱不是万能的,如果你不懂花钱。。在钱潮中起伏的人生。技术和激情其实往往并不是全部。来,谈谈经济吧。泡沫时期的VC和创业者。COOL^。自大的ceo 阴险的金融家。困境的孤独,心灵的成长。 August centers on two brothers fighting to keep their start-up company afloat on Wall Street during August 2001, a month before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.