Based on a true story and a legendary Korean novel, this movie follows Detective Oh (superstar Lee Jung Jae) and his investigation into the mysterious murder of a North Korean. His investigation leads him to a diary, which was written by a nun who - along with her boyfriend - helped lead the escape of North Korean POWs held captive during the Korean War. Detective Oh eventually becomes emotionally involved with the case and pursues the writer of the diary and her long-lost boyfriend, hoping to crack the case and learn more about the story of the POWs. 因为爱情。0406《黑水仙》。《黑水仙》。 讲述五十多年来韩战遗留下来的人民对民主及共产的意识形态上的冲突心理;片中再建Geoje POW 营,拍出当时营中最迫真及珍贵的一面。警探Oh (李政宰饰)在追查一宗连横凶杀案时,发现战时一名南韩劳动党间谍「黑水仙」Sohn Ji hye (李美妍饰)的日记,因而解开案中的谜团;事因50年代一场发生在Geoje POW 营中的骚动,其后两名领袖被杀