Earth's defence forces are engaged in a losing battle with the evil Darkon. A ship plummets to Earth and explodes, and out walks a stranger, unscathed, but suffering from amnesia. In his possession is a Tekno crystal, which he can use to transform himself into Teknoman, an unstoppable fighting machine. As the war turns in their favour, they learn that Darkon is breeding Teknomen from captured Earth families - Teknoman must soon face his own brother in a battle to the death. 宇宙骑士漫谈--[部分转载]。第一部让我懂得有的动画片不是给像当时的我那样的小屁孩看得动画片……。永远的骑士。那种淡淡的哀伤。这是第一部让我澎湃和流泪的动画。Hey,D-boy。华美的回忆。Destiny exist or love (mix的胡言乱语)。好辛苦 好辛苦啊~~。为那落下的机油眼泪~。 联合地球历192年,来自外太空的神秘生物入侵地球,它们大肆破坏,屠杀人类,地球变成一片火海,人类文明危在旦夕。 某天,外宇宙开发基地发现并拯救了一名从空中坠落的男子,从该男子口中,他们得知外星入侵者名叫“拉达姆”,但关于外星人的动机和该男子的来历却一概不知。不久后,人们发现这个男人竟拥有和入侵者对抗的强大实力,而他变身成为的宇宙骑士却和“拉达姆”的凶残战士们何其相似! 代号狄波威(D-Boy)的神秘男子,他究竟是什么人?救世主?抑或终结者?