Set in 1944 France, in the Ardennes forest region, an American Intelligence Squad locates a German platoon wishing to surrender rather than die in Germany's final war offensive. The two groups of men, isolated from the war at present, put aside their differences and share a Christmas celebration. The surrender plan includes a mock battle that turns bad when one of the soldiers is unaware of the surrender plan. 可怜的德国人。 本片讲述了1944年12月的二战中,美军的一支侦查小分队被派去执行任务,遭遇一德军小分队,几番碰面下来才发现对方并不想作战,他们竟然异想天开的想和德军小分队演一出戏,目的是使自己成为战斗英雄!一切都很顺利,德军小分队也很配合,在双方互放空枪时,他们特意支开的一名队员由于不明真相,闻声赶来向德军开火,形势一时混乱起来,演戏变成了你死我活的厮杀……