Li Man-Ho comes to Hong Kong after his father's death following a double crossed peace meeting at the hands of a rival gang. The family's business begins to crumble as rival organizations stir violence and trouble in acknowledgment of this weakness. Li Man-Ho reluctantly agrees after pressure from other members to temporarily act as leader in order to restore stability and order. But he is soon faced with violence, betrayal and confusion, in this world he tried so long to avoid. 最文艺的黑社会,唱着《飞砂风中转》。。黑二代回港治丧,竟然败光父辈家产。飞砂风中转,义气天上飞。奔着耀扬去的。我在黑社会的日子。穷途、末路。观后感。我在黑社会的日子。一部莫名其妙的黑帮片。站在巨人的肩上你也只能看看风景了。。 黑帮洪兴社与敌对帮派谈判破裂,双方大打出手。洪兴老大李坤混乱中被刺,重伤身亡,社团顿时一团混乱。留学并定居美国的李万豪(周润发 饰)携妻儿回港为父奔丧,在众老叔苦苦哀求下无奈出任龙头一职。虽生在黑社会家庭,但万豪自幼不参与社团事务,更对江湖上的规矩与利害一无所知,因此一系列改革举措招来了其他帮派的攻击与不满。 决意返美的万豪推举老成持重的谢胜(陈惠敏 饰)担当老大,此举却引来少壮派头目杨港(张耀扬 饰)的不满。内忧外患,处在过渡期的洪兴社风雨飘摇……